
gluestack Logogluestack

fontWeight not working

bronowsm posted this in #support
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Hello, I'm unable to apply fontWeight to my text component. It's completely ignored by compiler.

here is my config file:

export const gluestackTheme = {
  colors: {
    primary100: '#fffbb3',
  space: {
    px: '1px',
  radii: {
    none: 0,
  lineHeights: {
    '4xs': 8,
    '3xs': 12,
    '2xs': 16,
    xs: 18,
    sm: 20,
    md: 22,
    lg: 24,
    xl: 28,
    '2xl': 32,
    '2.5xl': 36,
    '3xl': 40,
    '4xl': 44,
    '5xl': 56,
    '6xl': 68,
    '7xl': 120,
    '8xl': 150,
    '9xl': 152,
  fontSizes: {
    '3': 3,
    '3xs': 8,
    '2xs': 10,
    xs: 12,
    sm: 14,
    md: 16,
    lg: 18,
    xl: 20,
    '2xl': 24,
    '2.5xl': 28,
    '3xl': 30,
    '3.5xl': 32,
    '4xl': 40,
    '5xl': 48,
    '6xl': 60,
    '7xl': 96,
    '8xl': 120,
    '9xl': 136,
  fontWeights: {
    hairline: '100',
    thin: '200',
    light: '300',
    normal: '400',
    medium: '500',
    semibold: '600',
    bold: '700',
    extrabold: '800',
    black: '900',
    extraBlack: '950',
  letterSpacings: {
    xs: -0.4,
    sm: -0.2,
    md: 0,
    lg: 0.22,
    xl: 0.3,
    '2xl': 0.35,
    '3xl': 0.4,
    '4xl': 0.45,
    '5xl': 0.5,
    '6xl': 0.6,
  fonts: {
    tVSansV: 'tVSansV'
  mediaQueries: {
    base: '@media screen and (min-width: 0)',
    sm: '@media screen and (min-width: 320px)',
    md: '@media screen and (min-width: 568px)',
    lg: '@media screen and (min-width: 840px)',
    xl: '@media screen and (min-width: 1440px)',

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