
gluestack Logogluestack

how to get `font-myfont` work with `font-bold` together? posted this in #support
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font-myfont is my custom font set in tailwind config:
fontFamily: { myfont: "abc" }
// `abc` was loaded using useFont in _layout.tsx

this works if i only set font-myfont on an element e.g. <Text className="font-myfont" />
but when i set font-bold font-myfont, it won't work anymore.
why? i think i need to load a bold font separately? but how to set it in tailwind config? this won't work:
fontFamily: { myfont: "abc", "myfont-bold": "abc-bold" }

is there an official demo for this? i saw a few discussion & bug report on github and still no answer.

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