In my code i followed all the expo fonts guide and configured my custom font without any problem. But My problem is that the font weight classes doesn't work and i had to create follow code on tailwind.config.ts:
fontFamily: {
pthin: ['Poppins-Thin', 'sans-serif'],
pextralight: ['Poppins-ExtraLight', 'sans-serif'],
plight: ['Poppins-Light', 'sans-serif'],
pregular: ['Poppins-Regular', 'sans-serif'],
pmedium: ['Poppins-Medium', 'sans-serif'],
psemibold: ['Poppins-SemiBold', 'sans-serif'],
pbold: ['Poppins-Bold', 'sans-serif'],
pextrabold: ['Poppins-ExtraBold', 'sans-serif'],
pblack: ['Poppins-Black', 'sans-serif'],
anyone has a light?