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Build Error: Cannot find module '../lightningcss.darwin-x64.node'

alluring_raccoon_89417 posted this in #support
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When building APK, I keep facing this error that stopped the build, it happens in projects that using Gluestack.
[RUN_GRADLEW] Error: Cannot find module '../lightningcss.darwin-x64.node'

[RUN_GRADLEW] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
[RUN_GRADLEW] * What went wrong:
[RUN_GRADLEW] Execution failed for task ':app:createBundleReleaseJsAndAssets'.
[RUN_GRADLEW] > Process 'command 'node'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

Not sure if it is related to Gluestack, but the library seems something related to Native Wind that used in Gluestack.

When i try npm list lightningcss , it is being installed
projectName@1.0.0 /Users/projectPath/projectName
├─┬ expo@51.0.35
│ └─┬ @expo/metro-config@0.18.11
│   └── lightningcss@1.19.0
└─┬ nativewind@4.1.10
  └─┬ react-native-css-interop@0.1.9
    └── lightningcss@1.22.0

I faced this with eas build --local but not eas build on cloud.
I am using a M1 mac

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