Disclaimer: I am new to gluestack.
I wanted to use the glustack cli in my expo project. I created my project using yarn create expo-app and followed the installation guide on gluestick-ui (v2), which is to initialize (i.e., npx gluestick-ui init). However, I received this error. Please help me or offer advice on how to resolve this. Thank you!
npx gluestack-ui init
Welcome to gluestack-ui!
◇ Detected a Expo project, continue?
│ Yes
│ │
│ NOTE: Files to get modified │
│ │
│ The command you've run is attempting to modify certain files in your project, │
│ if already exist. Here's what's happening: │
│ │
│ - babel.config.js │
│ - metro.config.js │
│ - tailwind.config.js │
│ - global.css │
│ - tsconfig.json │
│ │
◇ Proceed with caution. Make sure to commit your changes before proceeding.
│ Yes
Initializing gluestack-ui v2...
◇ Repository already cloned.
◇ Git pull successful.
○ ⏳ Installing dependencies. This might take a couple of minutes
Usage Error: The react-native-reanimated@ string didn't match the required format (package-name@range). Did you perhaps forget to explicitly reference the package name?
$ yarn add [--json] [-F,--fixed] [-E,--exact] [-T,--tilde] [-C,--caret] [-D,--dev] [-P,--peer] [-O,--optional] [--prefer-dev] [-i,--interactive] [--cached] [--mode #0] ...
Usage Error: The prettier@ string didn't match the required format (package-name@range). Did you perhaps forget to explicitly reference the package name?
$ yarn add [--json] [-F,--fixed] [-E,--exact] [-T,--tilde] [-C,--caret] [-D,--dev] [-P,--peer] [-O,--optional] [--prefer-dev] [-i,--interactive] [--cached] [--mode #0] ...
■ Error: Error installing dependencies.