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Upgrading from v1 to v2 with solito

thelosttoastr posted this in #support
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Hello, I am currently working on a project that was built on top of the solito-head-starter-kit. I am interested in upgrading to V2 but the upgrade process doesn't have that as a option and I'm trying to figure out where i should be initializing (expo, next, shared) and steps needed for both to work correctly. If anyone has done this and can point me in the right direction it would be of much help. Thanks!

4 Replies

hey @thelosttoastr You can run all the upgrating to v2 commands (init, tailwind, migration) on the
packages/app this folder directly . That will make the required changes to make your application work.
Okay great, thank you! Will I have to make any changes in the apps/expo or apps/next folders or they should remain the same from the V1 starter kit?
they should remain same as all the style code will be in packages and only routes configurations will be present in apps/expo or apps/next