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Questions on v1/v2

awen23 posted this in #support
Open in Discord
Hi, I’ve just finished the basics of migrating an unbranded version of our app (to be branded for whitelabel clients) from native-base to gluestack-ui v1 and I’ve got a couple questions regarding styling and future updates (especially with the v2 beta now being released);
1. Why is ejecting components still labelled the “Recommended” method when, as far as I can see, there’s no documentation on how to upgrade from v1 to v2 if you’ve done this?
2. I don’t quite understand how getting future updates (especially as it comes out of beta) will be supported in v2, given it looks like what it’s doing is very similar to ejecting components on v1 and there’s no migration guide for v1 -> v2? My biggest concern with this is that my ideal scenario is that I can have files that deal purely with defining the branded styling (brand colours, button roundings, etc) in each app that can then just be ignored when I'm updating each app with new features
3. With scenario 2 on the documentation (“Users who exported the gluestack-ui configuration and made modifications to it (gluestack-ui.config.ts)”), to the best of my understanding that means ejecting theme then customising only the tokens? I.e. is there nothing I can do on v1 to customise the components (I only really need a couple adjustments to things like the default link button padding) and still be able to migrate to v2 semi-easily?

3 Replies

hey @awen23
This is the migration guide to migrate your app from gluestack v1 to v2
Please check this and let me know if this helps you.
Regarding your concerns :
For config : now with the codemod we can completely migrate all the custom config provided to the gluestack v1 and make it work seamlessly in v2.
For components : As you've mentioned that there are only slight changes in the component level,You should be able to make the changes to the respective components of v2 by referring to the manual tab section of codemod (ie.., step 4 of the above link provided.)
Also , This is not like we are abandoning gluestack v1 .We continue our support to gluestack v1 as well.